Friday, May 9, 2008

Week 4: RSS - Adding Newsfeeds

Finding Feeds:

Now that you have a newsreader (your Bloglines account), you can begin adding other newsfeeds that are of interest to you. There are several ways you can locate newsfeeds:

  • When visiting your favorite websites look for a news feed icon that indicate the website provides a feed. Often a feed icon will be displayed somewhere in the navigation bar of the site.

  • Use Blogline's Search tool - Bloglines recently expanded search tool lets you search for news feeds in addition to posts, citations and the web. Use the Search for Feeds option to locate RSS feeds you might be interested in.

  • Or visit the ALA RSS Feeds Page to find feeds you are interested in.

  • Or visit the Publishers Weekly RSS Page and choose feeds with news on Children's Books, Comics, Non-fiction, Fiction, Reviews, Author interviews, and more.

Discovery Exercise:

Locate some RSS feeds and add at least 3 feeds to your reader. Then create a post on your site about your experience with this exercise.

Don't know what to blog about? Here are some questions to think about:

  • What do you like about RSS and newsreaders?

  • How do you think you might be able to use this technology in your work or personal life?

  • How can libraries use RSS or take advantage of this new technology?

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